
Calendar for Family Faith

“When do we have class?”

Something is offered on most Sundays through May. There will be no classes during summer (June, July or August). Please register students for classes, First Communion or Confirmation during the summer.


begins at at 9:30 and ends at 10:45 for students in Grade 1-12 on most Sundays. Classes end at 10:45. Students can attend Mass either before or after class. Class locations.

Parent Class meets at the same time in Diocesan Pastoral Center.

First Communion students meet in the Parish Hall during some class times; see schedule.

“Family Faith Encounters”

are for everyone – in the church on some Sundays between Masses. See schedule. Students, parents, family and friends come to pray and learn together.

“Pre/K class”

Preschool and Kindergarten children (age 3-6) can attend classes during 11:00 Mass in the Parish Hall on most Sundays during the school year. There are no classes from April through the summer this year. Classes begin again in September 2024.

No Preschool-Kindergarten classes until September.



Apr 14  Classes — except No First Communion Class. Instead, First Communion students attend the First Communion Retreat 12 PM-4PM at the Pastoral Center.

Apr 21  Classes  — except No Confirmation Class & no First Communion Class. Instead, Confirmation students attend the Confirmation Retreat at 12:00 Noon at the Pastoral Center.

Apr 28  NO CLASSES. First Communion at 11 AM Mass



May 5  Class

May 12  NO CLASSES. Confirmation at 11 AM Mass

May 19  End of Year Celebration at 9:30am in the Pastoral Center

No classes during Summer

Most classes end in May. Pre/K classes end on March 24. All classes begin again in September.

Please register students for classes, First Communion or Confirmation during the summer – and consider Catholic Youth Camp as a great summer faith experience.

Where to find us

St. Ambrose Cathedral

607 High St, Des Moines, IA 50309

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