St. Ambrose Newsletter
We send out an electronic newsletter about once a month. If you are a parishioner not on our email list and would like to be, please contact the office.
December 7
Feast of St. Ambrose
Join us after 8am Mass on Saturday, December 7 for coffee and donuts in the Parish Hall to celebrate the feast day of our patron saint, St. Ambrose. We will also celebrate Fr. Ambrose’s birthday! Thank you to our St. Vincent de Paul society and Knights of Columbus for planning this!
Now through December 20
Christmas Flower Memorial Donations
You can help remember a loved one through a Christmas flower memorial donation. We are currently taking donations to help purchase the beautiful flowers that decorate our church during the Advent and Christmas seasons. You can pick up an envelope at church entrances and put it in the collection basket at Mass or mail your donation to the office (607 High St. Des Moines, IA 50309). Please make sure you tell us what name you would like remembered. The names will be printed and put in the bulletin after Christmas. The suggested donation is $15, but feel free to donate what you are able. Please turn in your donations by December 20.
Begins Sunday, December 1
What a joyful season! The Diocese of Des Moines provides wonderful resources to help you and your family prepare this Advent season. Click below for prayers, activities, reflections, and crafts to help you joyfully celebrate Advent.
During Advent
Adult Faith Sharing
December 2, 7, 15
Christmas Concerts at the Cathedral
Monday, December 2: Dowling Catholic High School
Saturday, December 7: DM Choral Society at 7:30pm (tickets required)
Sunday, December 15: Drake Umeri Alumni Choir at 3pm
December 10
Blue Christmas Prayer Service
A prayer service will be led by Bishop William Joensen on Tuesday, Dec. 10, at 6 p.m. at St. Ambrose Cathedral. Blue Christmas is a contemplative church service of peace, healing and hope for anyone who is mourning a lost loved one or experiencing hurt of any kind.
A social reception will be held afterward in the parish hall next to the church. All are welcome. Contact Patty Origer with questions or additional resources for person with disabilities.
December 29
Jubilee Mass
On Sunday, Dec. 29 we’ll have an opening Mass at St. Ambrose Cathedral kicking off Jubilee 2025. As we celebrate the theme “Pilgrims of Hope” our Diocese will focus on three main areas: Reconciliation, pilgrimage, and prayer. More information to come.
Connection Café
You may notice white cardboard boxes in the Narthex of the church to be used for collecting items needed by the Connection Café.
- One box will be used to collect clean plastic shopping bags. Our clients will use these bags to take donated food and other items to their homes.
- The other box will be labeled to collect different items each month. This revolving need will be posted in our monthly newsletters, weekly emails, and below.
- October, November, December: napkins
You can help the Café by bringing these needed items and dropping them off each Sunday in the collection boxes.
What is Connection Café?
Connection Café was created by The Bridge, a collaboration of four downtown churches, including St. Ambrose. The Café serves lunch Monday through Friday for anyone in need, right behind us at St. John’s Lutheran Church. Our St. Ambrose group helps out on the first Tuesday of every month.
The members of the Bridge Board greatly appreciate your help in providing services at the Café. The Bridge Board members from St. Ambrose are: Fr. Nivin, Janis Conley, Amy Dagitz, and Becky Naderman.
Canned and boxed foods of many kinds are given to SVDP to share.
Lots of fresh, nutritious food also available through SVDP.
First Weekend of the Month
Help Those in Need by Donating Items to SVDP
On the first weekends of each month, baskets near the altar will be ready to receive your foods that don’t need refrigeration, or items to clean homes and bodies – or cash gifts to help SVDP buy what’s most needed today for the pantries. See details
“The poor have much to teach you. You have much to learn from them.” St. Vincent de Paul
Upcoming weekends:
- December 7-8
- January 4-5
- February 1-2
Do you need food or items for your home?
Nutritious food – including eggs, vegetables, fruit and milk – are available to you FREE at the SVDP food pantries. You choose the items your family likes and needs most.
- You can call SVDP to set up a food pantry appointment: 515-282-8327
OR - Our St. Ambrose SVDP volunteers can go with you and help you make your appointment. Call Anita at 515-249-4490 to begin.
Click HERE to learn more about the St. Ambrose chapter of St. Vincent de Paul
Last weekend of the month
Can and Bottle Recycling
Bring your empty bottles and cans to the St. Ambrose parking lot before or after the weekend Masses and we will recycle them. The deposit proceeds from these recycling efforts will go towards our youth programming.
Upcoming weekends:
- November 30 – Dec. 1
- December 28-29
- January 25-26
- February 22-23
Volunteer to Support SAC Youth – Drake University Cleaning and Concessions
Anyone is welcome to join us for these volunteer opportunities that benefit the St. Ambrose Cathedral Youth Group!
Please contact Catherine if you have any questions or would like to help:
Sponsor Couples Needed
Would you and your spouse like to assist engaged couples in marriage preparation at St. Ambrose Cathedral? We are looking for sponsor couples who can facilitate the FOCCUS inventory that engaged couples participate in as part of their sacramental preparation requirements.
Contact the Parish Office for more information: 515-288-7411.
Keep Your Info Up to Date
We are working on updating our parish records. If you have moved or changed your email or phone number, please contact the parish office with your new information. Or if you would like to be added to our email list, please contact the office.
Parish Office: 515-288-7411 or
Register for a My Own Church account to keep your information up to date without having to contact the office! See the My Own Church page to find out more.
St. Ambrose Yearly Report
Click below for a look at our yearly report from July 2023 through June 2024.