
Sacrament Preparation


Parents wishing to baptize their children under age 7 should fill out the baptism request form below and return it to the office at least 2 weeks before a baptism is requested.

Children older than 7 needing Baptism prepare through the Family Faith Formation program, with individualized teaching through OCIC: the Order of Christian Initiation for Children. See the Family Faith Formation page for details.

Adults needing Baptism prepare through the RCIA program. Contact the Parish Office for details.

Parent Requirements: 

  • At least one parent must be a practicing Catholic and must be committed to raising the child in the Catholic faith.
  • If this is the first child to be baptized, we require a baptismal prep meeting where you will receive more information on this important sacrament.
  • If the parents are currently registered at another parish, they must get permission from their pastor to have the baptism done at St. Ambrose.
  • If the parents are not currently registered at any parish, we highly recommend they become registered parishioners at St. Ambrose before the baptism. There are many benefits to being registered parishioners (listed under the Visitor Guide on our website).

Godparent Requirements:

  • One or two godparents may be chosen. If there are two, one must be male and the other female.
  • The godparent(s) must be at least 16 years or older, be a confirmed Catholic and living in harmony with the Catholic faith.
  • The godparent(s) will be a good role model for the child and cannot be the father or mother of the child.
  • If the godparent(s) is not a registered parishioner at St. Ambrose Cathedral, we may require a letter of good standing from their registered parish.

First Reconciliation and First Communion 

Children in Grades 2-12 prepare for these sacraments through Family Faith Formation program. Adults prepare through the RCIA program.

It’s important to enroll by September to begin this preparation. Go to our Family Faith Formation page for more information.


Students in Grade 9 – 12 prepare for Confirmation through the Family Faith Formation program. Adults prepare through the RCIA program.

Sponsors and parents are strongly encouraged to participate in preparation with the student. Special conversation materials will be shared with sponsors and parents. Sponsors are always welcome at Confirmation classes and experiences. The sponsor or a parent must accompany the student on a final retreat experience.

It’s important to enroll by September to begin this preparation. Go to our Family Faith Formation page for more information.

RCIA:  Adults considering the Catholic faith

We welcome adults who want to learn more about the Catholic faith. This might be simply a time of learning for you. Everyone’s journey is unique and we are here to help you along the way.

Participants can join our RCIA program whenever they feel ready to take the next step. An atmosphere of group learning, faith experiences, and support is offered.

Contact our parish office at 515.288.7411 or Vern Rash, our volunteer RCIA Director, at to learn more. If English language is a barrier for you, contact Deacon Francis Chan at 515.210.4444.


Please contact the cathedral staff at least six months prior to your anticipated wedding.

At least one party of the engaged couple must be a baptized and confirmed Catholic. Marriage preparation is required for all couples being married in the Catholic Church. Various ways of preparing are available.

Contact or call the parish office at 515-288-7411 to discuss weddings at the Cathedral.

Glass jars of chrism oil rest on a table.

Anointing of the Sick

This sacrament does not require preparation. It is available to the elderly and those who have a serious illness or medical condition. Contact the parish office at 515-288-7411 and ask that a priest provide this sacrament to you or a loved one.

Where to find us

St. Ambrose Cathedral

607 High St, Des Moines, IA 50309

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