Need prayer?
Let us know, and parishioners on our Prayer Chain will be notified to pray for your need. Your request can be anonymous. Contact or call John at 515.491.7171
Need an encouraging visit?
Parishioners are willing to visit those who are homebound, in care centers or hospitals. Contact John Martin at 515.491.7171 or Please let him know if the person being visited would like to receive Communion, too.
Need a sacrament?
Can’t attend Mass and want to receive the Eucharist? Contact the parish office at 515-288-7411 to ask that a priest or Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist come to you.
Want to go to confession, but can’t come during posted hours? Contact the parish office to make an appointment with a priest.
Anointing of the Sick: Phone the parish office anytime at 515-288-7411 to arrange for a priest to bring this sacrament to you or a loved one.
Funeral / Mass of Christian Burial: Please phone the parish office at 515-288-7411 to discuss your need with a priest.
Preparation is required for the sacraments of
- Baptism
- First Communion
- First Reconciliation
- Confirmation
- Marriage
We invite you to contact the parish office to discuss these needs.
Need food, shelter or work?
You may contact our Refugee Ministry Program or St. Vincent de Paul Society through the parish office at 515-288-7411. We may know of resources to help you. If you are afraid of losing your home or utilities, please call soon.
Need help regarding pregnancy or mothering?
Our Walking With Moms group can connect you with resources in our parish or community that might help you.