
Our Leadership Team


Bishop Joensen
Most Reverend William M. Joensen
Pastor of the Cathedral & Bishop, Diocese of Des Moines


Rev. Nivin Thakidipurathu Scaria

515.288.7411, ext 205

Fr. Ambrose Ladu
Rev. Ambrose Ladu Daniel
Associate Pastor; Refugee Ministry Director

515.288.7411, ext 204

Deacon Francis Chan
Dcn. Francis Chan
Refugee Ministry Coordinator

515-288-7411 or

Deacon Jim Obradovich
Dcn. Jim Obradovich

515.288.7411, ext 205

Dcn. Ly Pao Yang


Nancy McCarthy | Office Manager | 515.288.7411, ext 208 | email

Holly Madison | Administrative Assistant | 515.288.7411, ext 201 | email

Jeffrey Morris | Bookkeeper | 515.288.7411, ext. 200  | email

Volunteer Leaders

Refugee Ministry

Fr. Ambrose Ladu Daniel | Refugee Ministry Director | 515.288.7411 ext 204
Deacon Francis Chan | Refugee Ministry Coordinator, Nat’l Advisor for Sudanese Catholics | 515.210.4444

Faith Formation

Vern Rash | RCIA Director |
Deacon Francis Chan | RCIA Co-Director | 515.210.4444

Ministries of Service

Ministry to the Homebound | John Martin | 515.491.7171
Prayer Chain Ministry | John Martin |
Knights of Columbus | Phil Wageman, Grand Knight |
St. Vincent de Paul Society | Mary Whitman |
Walking with Moms | Marilyn Sharp | 
Youth Ministry Director | Catherine Swoboda | 515.943.9398 |

Catholic Education Liaisons

Holy Family School Board of Education | Rob Ferguson, Rosemary Mukye, Nayte Amanuel
Dowling High School Liaison | Vern Rash |

Community Leaders

Karenni | Me Reh
Zomi | Margaret Mang
Myanmar Catholic Community (MCC) | Lucy Laymay
Sudanese & South Sudanese | Bagat Aguek
Eritrea | Nasir Kemi; Karkon Ule and Setit Abebe
Faith Formation | Catherine Swoboda

Finance Council

Insight for parish financial decisions

  • Fr. Nivin
  • Doug Sharp, Chair
  • Sol Rosenbaum, Parish Trustee
  • Barbara Decker, Parish Trustee
  • Ramona Peterson
  • Angela Burke Boston
  • Paul Dupey
  • David Gross
  • Bill Noth
Stewardship Committee

Make it easier for people to give time, talent or funds to our parish community and to those in need

  • Anita O’Gara
  • Earl Kelly
  • Barbara Decker
Safety Council

Caring for the security of our facilities and visitors

Where to find us

St. Ambrose Cathedral

607 High St, Des Moines, IA 50309

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