Sacrament Preparation
Please contact our parish office to talk about receiving:
- Baptism
- First Eucharist (First Communion)
- First Reconciliation (Confession)
- Confirmation
- Matrimony (Wedding)
- Anointing of the Sick
Family Faith Formation
We provide Faith Formation classes on Sunday mornings (September through May) for more than 100 families.
Volunteers are always welcome and needed for this busy program. Contact the office at 515.288.7411 for more information. Thank you!
Youth and Teens
We want all our young people to draw close to God. Some opportunities include:
- Family Faith Formation classes and experiences
- Catholic Youth Camp
- National Catholic Youth Conference
- Youth choir – includes participation in processions for special feast day Masses
- Liturgical ministries – including altar servers, lectors, ushers and Eucharistic ministers
Adult Faith Formation
From time to time, opportunities for small-group faith sharing or Bible study are offered. If there is something you’d like to study or discuss with others, please suggest this topic.
Volunteers are always welcome and needed to help create and offer adult faith formation opportunities. For Adult Faith Formation inquiries, contact the office at 515.288.7411.
All parishioners are invited to enjoy Catholic videos, animated children’s programs, movies, audio stories, e-books and Bible studies through the online platform FORMED.
Our parish has subscribed to FORMED for you, to enrich your relationship with God. It offers programs of faith for all ages and interests.
- Go to
- Enter our parish’s zip code: 50309
- Enter your name and your email address
For a free FORMED app for your phone or tablet, search FORMED Catholic in your app store.