42 of us embracing a life-changing pilgrimage together!
More than 500,000 young Catholics will gather in Portugal this July – and St. Ambrose Cathedral’s young leaders will be there!
World Youth Day invites Catholic young adults (mostly ages 18-39) to gather from around the world for six days to pray, learn and be together with faith-filled peers. Already, Catholics from 150 countries have registered to be with Pope Francis and each other July 25-August 8.
- Our St. Ambrose pilgrims will travel with others from the Diocese of Des Moines. They will stay in homes of families in the community of Arrabal, Portugal. While there, they will pursue service activities and share faith with other pilgrims in the Diocese of Leiria-Fatima.

- Our pilgrims are excited to spend time together at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima. Many St. Ambrose families have a deep love for the Blessed Virgin Mary. This holy place offers a special time of retreat, reflection, prayer and growth for our pilgrims.
St. Ambrose’s pilgrims will carry prayer requests from our parish to Our Lady of Fatima for her intercession.
- You’re invited to place your prayer requests in the box at the main entrance to the church, or bring them to the church office.
- All prayer requests must be received through Sunday, July 23.

Who are our pilgrims?
42 young adults from St. Ambrose parish have registered.
For nearly a year, they have been saving and earning money to afford this remarkable pilgrimage. Our generosity has been essential, too.
- They represent many of our parish’s ethnic communities. Only 3 of the 42 pilgrims were born in the United States! Many come from refugee families. Deacon Francis Chan and Sister Susan will be traveling on the pilgrimage: international clergy who serve the people of Des Moines.
- Our pilgrims are pursuing educations, working hard at one or more jobs, and/or raising young children — and yet they are sacrificing to participate in this once-in-a-lifetime spiritual experience.
Like the early Christians…
… our pilgrims are pooling their funds to help one another go! Rather than each trying to pay their full fare of $4,000, they are earning and raising funds together — supporting & encouraging one another! Our gifts to the WYD fund support all of them.
Our pilgrims need our support
Many cannot afford to go on this life-changing pilgrimage without our help. Your gifts of funds and prayer make it possible for these devoted parishioners to bring an invigorated faith back to our parish life!